What Is the Difference Between a Therapist and a Counselor?

Question by shuttttup: What is the difference between a therapist and a counselor?
I asked this once before but I didnt word it correctly. Which one would be better to deal with alcohol and drug abuse, depression, anger issues, cutting and suicidal thoughts. Not saying any of this is about me.

Best answer:

Answer by The_good_word
Both should be able to deal with these issues. I think a counselor would more work with you to solve your issue where as a therapist would look to find the under laying issue. For example if you have a alcohol problem a counselor would help you get treatment (AA) and then help you to maintain alcohol free life style. A therapist I believe would suggest immediate treatment (AA) and then would try to understand the underlying issue that makes you drive. Both strive for the same end result but approach it in a different manner. Hope this helps!

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