What Is the Drug E.B.C-46 Derived From an Australian Plant That Might Cure Cancer?
Question by Kevin7: what is the drug E.B.C-46 derived from an Australian plant that might cure cancer?
Best answer:
Answer by Ted H
EBC-46 is a new drug that is being investigated for its ability to suppress cancerous solid tumours in humans and animals, even those that have been considered inoperable. The drug is produced by isolating a chemical from the seed of the fruit from the ‘Blushwood’ plant (Euphorbia spp.) which grows in northern Queensland.
To date, it has been used on a number of animal species including dogs, cats and horses and the trials have involved the localised treatment on a variety of cancerous forms. So far, it has been shown to ‘cure’ or reduce the cancerous growths very rapidly, while avoiding any significant adverse effects. Thus far, the drug has been injected directly into the tumour or it has been applied topically to the surface of the tumour, thereby, requiring the tumour site to be accessible, in order for treatment to be possible. The beneficial actions are theorised to be due to immune system stimulation via the multiplication of neutrophils (white blood cells), resulting in the elimination of the tumour.
June 13, 2010 A BREAKTHROUGH Queensland drug that has cured cancer tumours in pet dogs, cats and horses is to be trialled on humans.
Queensland life science company QBiotics Limited’s chief executive Dr Victoria Gordon says it will fast-track human trials for their cancer drug EBC-46. She said EBC-46 would be the first drug discovered from Australia’s unique rainforests to enter human clinical trials. Dr Gordon said the drug had successfully reduced or eliminated inoperable solid tumours in more than 100 pet dogs, cats and horses. She said the drug could help treat human skin cancer, head and neck cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer.
“Many pet owners involved in veterinary trials of EBC-46 have . . . literally watched the deadly tumours on their pets disintegrate within five to seven days of being treated,” she said in a statement. The drug was developed during six years of research into the seed of a Queensland rainforest plant. “The drug, which is a previously unknown molecule, works differently to most current chemotherapy agents, in that it is not highly toxic to cells,” Dr Gordon said.
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