What’s the Best Way to Lower Cholesterol?

Question by : what’s the best way to lower cholesterol?

Best answer:

Answer by john hobart
change your diet to less fat, more fruits and veggies and more whole grain foods. oatmeal is excellent in lowering your cholesterol, but it’s a process that takes time, not an instant results food.

Answer by Dawn
There is no correlation between high cholesterol and coronary artery disease. But low cholesterol levels are associated with all cause mortality… even coronary artery disease. You really shouldn’t artificially lower your cholesterol with statins or any other drugs. We have been misled about high cholesterol and heart disease. Do your research.

Doctors also already know that the “large, light, and fluffy” LDL is protective instead harmful, as previously reported (for ALL LDL). The typical serum (lipid) cholesterol test can’t even distinguish between the protective “large, light, and fluffy” LDL cholesterol and the more damaging “small, dense” LDL cholesterol. Furthermore we know lowering one’s total cholesterol is known to increase one’s mortality… especially below 220mg/dL.

In Honolulu:
“Our data accord with previous findings of increased mortality in elderly people with low serum cholesterol, and show that long-term persistence of low cholesterol concentrations actually increases the risk of death. Thus, the earlier that patients start to have lower cholesterol concentrations, the greater risk of death.”
Lacet Aug. 2001

“In Honolulu, the lower the LDL/Cholesterol, the greater the risk of dying — of everything, including CHD.”

A study of elderly women indicated that a cholesterol of 270mg/dL was associated with the best longevity. (Forette, et al., 1989)

One of the largest investigations of all-cause mortality and cholesterol involved nearly half a million Korean men between the ages of 30 and 65. Reported in 2000, the study found that the lowest death rates corresponded to cholesterol between 211mg/dL and 251mg/dL, well above currently recommended treatment goals.

The below PDF put out by W.H.O. of 164 countries shows that cholesterol below 220mg/dL increases mortality…. even for coronary artery disease.

HALF of hospitalized coronary artery disease patients have LDL cholesterol levels BELOW 100mg/dL. Seventy-five percent of them have LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels BELOW 130mg/dL. (See below PDF).

The AHA should be focusing their attention on man-made trans-fats and the chlorine in water instead of elevated cholesterol levels.

You can lower your cholesterol safely by taking a “molecularly distilled” omega-3 EPA/DHA supplement two or three times a day with your meals. Keep these supplements in the freezer to prevent them from becoming rancid. These supplements will improve your “good” HDL cholesterol and help to keep your triglycerides in check.


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