Willard Drug Treatment Center in NYS?

Question by xbabyphatx: Willard Drug Treatment Center in NYS?
Does anyone know what the time there entails? My ex is there but he was charged with possession, not use…so I was a little confused when he was sent there…he was on parole and violated so maybe thats why…but I’m wondering do they do things differently then a regular state prison? Or does it just have a different title…any insight would be appreciated because I’ve just been wondering…thanks 🙂
I actually found this site on the history…but still would like to know, it seems according to this its like a bootcamp…

Best answer:

Answer by k94life2003
Willard Drug Treatment Center is a specialized state prison in Seneca County, New York, USA. The prison focuses on treatment of drug-addicted convicts. Willard Drug Treatment Center is located in Willard, a community in the Town of Romulus, and is adjacent to Seneca Lake in the Finger Lakes District.