What Success Have You Had With in Patient Drug and Alcohol Treatment?
Question by antonia_deamicis: What success have you had with In Patient Drug and Alcohol Treatment?
I have a 19 year old son that has been taking most everything he can get his hands on for 7-8 months now. He says he has no addiction, just likes to “experiment”… Continue reading
One Addict Helping Another Is the Fastest Route to Recovery
One addict helping another is the fastest route to recovery
The other day I visited a really remarkable organisation in Lambeth, south London, which is dedicated to helping drug and alcohol addicts to get their lives on track. What is impressive about the Aurora project is that it shows the… Continue reading
Why Does Insurance Cover So Little Days for Drug Rehab?
Question by Jenifer: Why does insurance cover so little days for drug rehab?
My husband was just admitted to Sunrise House in Lafayette,Nj. This is his first time in rehab. It is a 28 days program but the people who work there tell me we will get lucky… Continue reading
SEC, FINRA, CFPB Enforcement: BofA Busted for Illegal Credit Card Practices
SEC, FINRA, CFPB Enforcement: BofA Busted for Illegal Credit Card Practices
Other recent enforcement actions by the SEC include a $ 20 million penalty against CVS for misleading its investors and committing accounting violations; charges against a Las Vegas transfer agent for disclosure failures; and charges against a Honolulu …… Continue reading
Our Mother Is a Heavy Cocaine User. Her Addiction and Behavior Is Devastating Our Relationship.?
Question by jameshow29: Our mother is a heavy cocaine user. Her addiction and behavior is devastating our relationship.?
Our mother is a heavy cocaine user. Her addiction and behavior is devastating our relationship.
How can I fix this problem? I live at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
Any info you… Continue reading
Dairy on a Ferry? Just Say Yes
Dairy on a ferry? Just say yes
This way, the cows are in nobody's backyard. The ferry would always be full, thus not allowing the homeless or drug addicts to ride the ferry as was the concern of many antis. I always thought to myself, how strange that drug addicts… Continue reading
LARKIN: Program Offers HOPE for Repeat Drug Offenders
LARKIN: Program offers HOPE for repeat drug offenders
We don't know whether we can replicate HOPE's success outside Hawaii, for other substance abuse problems or for other types of offenders. The smart move is to answer those questions before we go all in. In the short run, the necessary studies… Continue reading
Trying to Combat Growing Drug Trade in Oil Patch
Trying to combat growing drug trade in oil patch
WILLISTON, N.D. (AP) — The blood-drenched man had survived a brutal attack: Beaten with brass knuckles, shocked with a stun gun, slashed with a razor blade, then dumped 40 miles away in Montana, he staggered to a farmhouse for help. His… Continue reading
Drug Addiction Within My Family, Advice?
Question by iliketoeat: Drug addiction within my family, advice?
My little sister is 18, and has had an opioid dependence for the past two and a half to three years. She started hanging around the “wrong crowd” and began dating a guy whose entire family had the same… Continue reading
Drug Addiction…??
Question by bekahsabs3: Drug addiction…??
Ok..so I am interested in knowing as much as I can about drug addiction. Can anyone give me any thoughts or any good sites regarding drugs??
Best answer:
Answer by accebere
Haverhill burglar stole to fund drug addiction, court… Continue reading