How Drug Addiction in Punjab Is Lowering Sex Drives and Pushing Up the Divorce Rate
How drug addiction in Punjab is lowering sex drives and pushing up the divorce rate
Pubjab’s drug-addict youngsters just can’t get no satisfaction. Areas of the state particularly notorious for drug consumption have been witnessing a mercurial rise in the number of divorces, and experts put this trend down to rampant abuse of …
drug addiction – Bing News
Program sounds warning on area drug addiction
While law enforcement and medical professionals are doing their best to address the damage done by drug addiction and abuse in Athens County, according to Sheriff Pat Kelly, they could use some help from the state in the form of more funding for treatment …
drug addiction – Bing News
Alcohol & Drug Rehab Sherbrooke Launches New Program to Help Adults and Adolescents Stop GHB Addiction
A Sherbrooke alcohol and drug rehab center is announcing that it is launching a new program that will help adults and adolescents kick their addiction to GHB at Drug Addiction Treatment Centers. According to information on GHB released by a Government of …
drug addiction – Bing News